Cankiri Karatekin University |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement 2021-2028 between institutions from programme and partner countries between Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá and Cankiri Karatekin University
19/01/2022 |
19/01/2028 |
acuerdos_erasmus_y_la_utp_-_2022_actualizado_a_enero_2023.pdf |
Lublin University of Technology |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus Plus Programme Key Action 1 - Learning mobility for higher education students and Staff 2022-2027
05/09/2022 |
05/09/2027 |
Süleyman Demirel University |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 - Learning mobility for higher education students and Staff 2023-2026 between UTP and SDU
12/06/2024 |
12/06/2026 |
Transilvania University of Brasov |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Institutional Agreement 2023-2026 Key Action 1 Learning mobility for higher education students and staff between UNITBV and UTP
16/12/2024 |
16/12/2027 |
Universidad de Alicante |
Acuerdo Interinstitucional |
Acuerdo Interinstitucional 2023-2026 Acción Clave 1 Movilidad de estudiantes y personal de educación superior entre UALICANTE y la UTP
09/12/2024 |
09/12/2026 |
Universidad de Extremadura |
Inter-institutional agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 - Learning mobility for higher education students and Staff 2023-2027 between UTP and UEx
26/09/2023 |
26/09/2027 |
Universidad de Extremadura |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement 2021-2017 Key Action 1 Mobility of higher education students and staff between UEX and UTP
02/12/2024 |
02/12/2027 |
Universidad de Jaén |
Acuerdo Interinstitucional |
Inter-institutional Agreement 2021-2027 Key Action 1 Learning mobility for higher education students and staff between UJAEN and UTP
28/11/2023 |
28/11/2027 |
Universidad de Málaga |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 - Learning mobility for higher education students and Staff 2023-2027
04/04/2023 |
04/04/2027 |
Universidad de Padua |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 - Learning mobility for higher education students and Staff 2023-2026 between UTP and UNIPD
11/12/2023 |
11/12/2026 |
Universidad de Valladolid |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 - Learning mobility for higher education students and Staff 2024-2027 between UTP and UVA
31/01/2024 |
31/01/2027 |
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus Plus Programme Key Action 1 - Learning mobility for higher education students and Staff 2021-2027 entre la UPCT y la UTP
13/06/2023 |
13/06/2027 |
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña |
Acuerdo Interinstitucional |
Acuerdo Interinstitucional 2022-2027 entre instituciones de países del programa y asociados Acción Clave 1 KA171 UPC-UTP
19/01/2024 |
19/01/2027 |
Universidade da Coruña |
Acuerdo Interinstitucional |
Inter-institutional Agreement 2021-2027 Key Action 1 Learning Mobility for higher education students and staff between UDC and UTP
12/12/2023 |
12/12/2027 |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Acuerdo Insterinstitucional |
Acuerdo para movilidad Erasmus+ KA131-TPANP o “Erasmus+ KA131/UTP - ETSEIB UPC BarcelonaTech"
26/05/2022 |
26/05/2027 |
acuerdos_erasmus_y_la_utp_-_2022_actualizado_a_enero_2023.pdf |
Universitat Politècnica de València |
Acuerdo Interinstitucional |
Inter-institutional Agreement Erasmus Plus Programme Key Action 1 - Learning mobility for higher education students and Staff 2021-2027
17/02/2022 |
17/02/2027 |
acuerdos_erasmus_y_la_utp_-_2022_actualizado_a_enero_2023.pdf |
Yıldız Technical University |
Inter-institutional Agreement |
Inter-institutional Agreement 2021-2027 between institutions from programme and partner countries between Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá and Yıldız Technical University
12/10/2021 |
12/10/2027 |
acuerdos_erasmus_y_la_utp_-_2022_actualizado_a_enero_2023.pdf |